Media Coverage Alex Mack Media Coverage Alex Mack

PsiQuantum Will Partner with DARPA to Accelerate Path to Build the World’s First Utility-Scale Quantum Computer

We recently announced a new approach to vastly increasing the efficiency of running quantum algorithms. We call it the Active Volume Architecture. The key insight is that if you have access to certain hardware capabilities then you can obtain remarkable reductions in the running costs of commercially useful quantum algorithms (for example, reducing running costs by around 50x for factoring algorithms).

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Blogs Alex Mack Blogs Alex Mack

PsiQuantum Announces Breakthrough in Architectures for Error-Corrected Quantum Computing

We recently announced a new approach to vastly increasing the efficiency of running quantum algorithms. We call it the Active Volume Architecture. The key insight is that if you have access to certain hardware capabilities then you can obtain remarkable reductions in the running costs of commercially useful quantum algorithms (for example, reducing running costs by around 50x for factoring algorithms).

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Podcasts Alex Mack Podcasts Alex Mack

A quantum leap for healthcare?

In this episode, we’ll be investigating what quantum computers might be capable of by looking at one promising area of its potential application: drug discovery and development. We explore with quantum computing expert Shohini Ghose and quantum entrepreneurs Pete Shadbolt (PsiQuantum) and Robert Marino (Qubit Pharmaceuticals).

The Economist Intelligence Unit

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PsiQuantum Press Release Alex Mack PsiQuantum Press Release Alex Mack

PsiQuantum Announces Qlimate Initiative Developing Breakthrough Climate Technologies Enabled by Quantum Computing

PsiQuantum, the company that’s building the world’s first utility-scale quantum computer, today at Davos announced Qlimate. A subsidiary of PsiQuantum, Qlimate is a quantum computing net zero initiative that builds partnerships to develop and scale decarbonization technology breakthroughs.

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Alex Mack Alex Mack

Solving equations at the speed of light

Dr Sam Roberts, Quantum Architect at PsiQuantum and University of Sydney PhD alumni, long had a passion for abstract maths, and thought he’d end up teaching it at university. Instead, he’s pushing the limits of linear algebra to encode data into particles of light. Read about what motivated him to pursue a career in quantum computing.

Sydney Quantum Academy

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Alex Mack Alex Mack

Today is World Quantum Day – What’s That?

PsiQuantum is Hitting on All Cylinders – Not least because of a $25 million award as part of the recently passed U.S. FY2022 package… PsiQuantum also reported an improved approach to simulating chemical systems in a paper co-authored with Mercedes-Benz R&D and published in APS’s Physical Review Research. PsiQuantum said “a new analysis of how electrolyte molecules in Lithium-ion batteries (LiB) can be simulated on a fault-tolerant quantum computer, enabling breakthroughs sought by automotive manufacturers in next-generation battery design.”


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Alex Mack Alex Mack

PsiQuantum Partners with Mercedes-Benz to Research Battery Chemistry Simulation on a Fault Tolerant Quantum Processor

There are many groups working on ways of simulating battery chemistry on a quantum computer. It is a difficult problem but one that could have a high payoff as the world converts to electric vehicles and demands more improvements in the batteries capacity to extend the range and reduce the size and weight. Although many of the other groups are trying to see if this can be done with NISQ level computers, PsiQuantum teamed up with Mercedes-Benz Research and Development North America to analyze what could be done on a future error-corrected machine.

Quantum Computing Report

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Blogs Alex Mack Blogs Alex Mack

Counting qubits for better batteries

The widespread adoption of electric vehicles rests on developing faster charging, longer lasting battery technology – the critical enabler for transitioning away from internal combustion engines. PsiQuantum has been working with Mercedes Benz to assess just how advanced a quantum computer must be to revolutionize Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery design.

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